Dungeons: The War Within Season 2
This page will have the current dungeon pool and any specific tips for these dungeons. This may include cooldown rotations for bosses, talent choices, How To tutorials for skips, and any other ways to make dungeons easier. I won’t be going over every pull and every boss, only the ones that can be challenging or have something special going on. If there is an encounter or trash pack that you think I missed please let me know and I can add it in!
Currently everything is based on testing from PTR but I will be updating this page as strategies evolve as well as adding tutorial videos and full commentaries
Dispels by Dungeon
Cinderbrew Meadery
Improved Detox, Pressure Points, Hasty Provocation
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Brew Master Aldryr
Nothing special healing wise. Mistweaver is very good at table service due to our mobility, make sure to utilize Transcendence!
Spouting Stout is the main healing mechanic here, it’s group wide damage every 45 seconds so you’ll be able to use Chi-ji for every other Sprouting Stout and you will have Aspect of Harmony available for each for the healing amp.
I’pa will also cast Burning Fermentation which is a heavy hitting Magic DoT on two players, you can always dispel one and heal the other. You may also use Revival for a set of debuffs where the targets have no defensives left.
Benk Buzzbee
Fluttering Wing is group wide damage every 20 seconds that will also push back. You can use Chi-ji on every third Fluttering Wing. For the non-Chi-ji sets I like to use Thunder Focus Tea (when playing Master of Harmony) with either Sheilun’s Gift or Revival.
Also keep an eye out for players with Shredding Sting, they can have Life Cocoon if they have the debuff while heading into a Fluttering Wing and don’t have a personal.
If I can afford to do the Bee mechanic then I will, but just be aware that you do not want to be aiming a bee while Fluttering Wing goes out because you need to be healing and you cannot heal while mounted on a bee.
Goldie Baronbottom
This fight will be a lot easier if you’re good about maintaining your Renewing Mists to heal through the Burning Ricochet debuffs as well as the barrels blowing up. This is a pretty standard spot healing phase.
For Let It Hail you want to send defensives, especially if you have a debuff or multiple debuffs going into the phase. As she’s phasing I recommend pre-spreading your Enveloping Mists whether you have Chi-ji running or not, then extending as soon as you can. Chi-ji can be used here and should take care of most of the damage but you can also use instant Vivifies especially with Zen Pulse.
During the intermission it’s important to pay attention to the barrel placements so you can position properly for the incoming lava waves. Depending on their locations, you may consider using Jade Empowerment or Revival for the intermission
Trash Packs
Chef Chewie
This pull varies in difficulty depending on how your group pulls it. Due to Compliments of the Chef you end up taking a lot of additional damage because it’s a damage increase but also prevents crowd control which means more casts are going off and they hit harder. Ideally you’ll just need to send CDs on Tenderize overlaps with whatever packs you’re pulling with Chef Chewie.
Tenderize is the main form of damage from Chef Chewie and is unavoidable unlike High Steaks which is just swirlie dodging.
Chi-ji or Revival are usually the first CDs I’m looking to use here since if you get knocked back by Tenderize it’s not interrupting anything and you can still use the CD whereas any of our other CDs could get interrupted.
Hired Muscle
These mobs have a lot of random damage from Throw Chair in addition to some substantial AOE through Volatile Keg. Throw Chair should be healable through our maintenance healing unless one player gets targeted multiple times in a row you may need to do some more focused spot healing.
Volatile Keg is CD worthy, usually with Enveloping Mist ramping as usual. The main point to watch out for is players targeted with Throw Chair and have the Volatile Keg DoT at the same time. Life Cocoon is very good here or, if Life Cocoon is unavailable, heavy single target healing on that target.
Also make sure you’re soothing Thirsty as it increases their casting and attack speed significantly.
Darkflame Cleft
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
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Ol’ Waxbeard
Nothing special here, just be aware of any DPS that end up with high stacks of the bleed. Sending Jade Empowerment on the flaming Dynamite Mine Cart to help with the priority damage.
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The Candle King
This boss is a rot fight and we handle these basically the same. Continuously refresh your Renewing Mist on targets who do not have the HoT, or if everyone has it, prioritize lower those with a lower duration Renewing Mist. You can send Jade Empowerment as a form of catch up preferably when players have Chi Harmony or Enveloping Mist, and get small bursts of healing from Vivify with Zen Pulse procs.
You may have time to hard cast Enveloping Mist on the lower players but typically you’ll get enough Enveloping Mist from your Chi-ji windows. Like most rot fights this is an “always be casting” situation though that isn’t too different from how Mistweaver typically plays.
The Darkness
The candle carry hasn’t been defaulted to a healer job yet, but if you’re able to help with it then it’s definitely a good idea. For collecting candles from the corner to keep the main candle lit, Mistweaver is very mobile and is a good candidate for lighting the candle. The one exception is lighting the candle before the Eternal Darkness, you should instead be using that time to pre-ramp for the damage. The main damage on this fight is the AoE Eternal Darkness which is every minute which means you should have Chi-ji for each instance of damage.
You can spot heal through our normal maintenance rotation and send Life Cocoon on Shadowblast targets when available.
Trash Packs
Currently none of the trash packs stand out in here. I’m keeping my eye out but let me know if you’d like anything specific.
Mechagon: Workshop
Tussle Tonks
Ground Pound is the main mechanic on this fight and it happens every 17 seconds or so. You won’t have a defensive or CD for every one but you can pre-spread Enveloping Mist and/or Chi Harmonies if needed, and then use Jade Empowerment to heal. Chi-ji can cover maybe 2 depending on how long your encounter is.
If you have neither Chi-ji, Revival, or Jade Empowerment, you can use Sheilun’s Gift even if you’re not at full stacks, you just need to survive the tantrum then you can heal everyone up through Ancient Teachings and Vivify before the next.
Only thing to really pay attention to here is making sure the party is full HP before dispelling the Tank’s Blazing Chomp.
Machinist’s Garden
King Mechagon
The healing in Phase 1 is pretty tame and should mostly be taken care of through Ancient Teachings and our maintenance healing. In Phase 2 make sure to get players topped between the Mega Zaps and keep HoTs on players with the DoT. Chi-ji should be used slightly before the Magneto-Arm spawns to properly blanket the party with Enveloping Mist but you should be able to stay in melee range for the duration of the mechanic.
Trash Packs
Metal Gunk and Waste Processing Unit
On pull, the Waste Processing Unit will do AOE tantrum damage and the Metal Gunk will atttempt to cast Corrosive Gunk which is a large heal absorb that stacks. The group needs to delay the Corrosive Gunk cast by stopping the Metal Gunk at least until the Mega Drill is over and you can heal off the absorb without additional damage incoming.
When you let Corrosive Gunk go off, you should be able to heal through it mostly through Ancient Teachings and Chi-ji, but keep in mind Ancient Teachings will not heal full health players with a heal absorb since they are still considered full HP. Revival is also an option if it wasn’t used earlier.
Spider Tank
These mobs aren’t too bad when they’re solo but the double pull is more heal intensive. You should begin the pull by pre-casting Renewing Mist for HoTs and Chi Harmony, getting your Jadefire Stomp down, and extending your HoTs as quickly as possible. For the first set of missiles you can use Chi-ji and continue maintaining the HoTs. Then use Jade Empowerment, and you can spot heal with Vivify and Zen Pulse.
Ideally your group should be focusing one spider down at a time so you aren’t fighting two the entire pull. If this happens you may need to send Revival. Thankfully these mobs come after a boss that has basically no healing to do so you should have all of your CDs up and 2 stacks of Jade Empowerment.
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
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Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler
Take advantage of your mobility and be the primary kicker for the Dodgeball mechanic. For the Static Pulse you should have Chi-ji for each and you should use it early enough to Enveloping Mist ramp since it’s a large hit followed by a DoT.
The main source of damage on this fight is the Pulsing Azerite from the Earthrager effected by the Azerite Infusion buff. This is a damage amp so it should be your primary target, especially for things like Jade Empowerment.
Rixxa Fluxflame
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Mogul Razdunk
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Trash Packs
Mechanized Peacekeepers
Their main mechanic that we need to worry about is the Charged Claw. This damage isn’t super intense but it is worth sending a CD for since it’s some of the only predictable & unavoidable damage in this first trash area.
Azerite Extractor
These have an ability called Rapid Extraction which causes AOE damage as well as spawning large circles you need to avoid. There’s a decently high chance you’ll get pushed out of melee during this especially considering there are other mobs in the pack that have additional area of denial abilities.
Typically you can just rotate Chi-ji, Sheilun’s Gift, and Jade Empowerment, with Jade Empowerment and Sheilun’s Gift being your backup incase you get pushed out of range of the mobs.
Venture Co. War Machine
One of these isn’t too hard to handle, just cycle through your CDs as normal but for the double Venture Co. War Machine I would recommend sending defensives on the sets of shots that you don’t have a healing CD running for. I would also recommending keeping Enveloping Mist up on the group for the duration of the shots.
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
Videos Coming Soon
Operation: Floodgate
Big M.O.M.M.A
Most of the healing on this fight is coming from the shield phase which is where our CDs can go. You should be able to Chi-ji every shield phase and finish off with Jade Empowerments or Sheilun’s Gift/Vivify with Zen Pulse procs.
Demolition Duo
This fight does have a dispel mechanic that requires correct positioning. Ideally you clear a bomb that is out by itself and is a less than ideal target for the charge. The debuff itself does a decent amount of damage so make sure the player is full HP before dispelling, dispel targets are excellent Life Cocoon targets.
Other than the dispel there is just spot healing on this fight, make sure you’re watching the cast bar to ensure you’re aware of when you get the charge as well as watching to see if any player is getting targeted multiple times in a row.
Swampface is a rot fight with the added mechanic of dodging waves in addition to being tied to one of your DPS players, you must stay within a certain range of your partner and you should agree on a direction to move for mechanics. You should also make sure to tell your DPS ahead of time that you do need to be in melee as much as possible and to not drag you out if you get paired with a ranged player.
This fight is handled like other rot fights where we
Geezle Gigazap
Trash Packs
Darkfuse Bloodwarper
These mobs have an ability called Warp Blood which is AOE damage in addition to a large heal absorb. It’s important to remember that Aspect of Harmony cannot be applied to enemies or allies with absorbs which means you will not be able to utilize the Aspect of Harmony heal amp to break the absorb.
Using Chi-ji as well as Enveloping Mist ramps will be your best bet for breaking the heal absorb. You can also use Jade Empowerment to get a decent amount of healing done but allies must be missing health under the heal absorb otherwise they are considered full HP and will not be healed by Ancient Teachings.
Revival is also useful for a set but make sure you have Enveloping Mist and/or Chi Harmonies out as well. Expel Harm can be used to clear yourself quickly.
Bubble’s main mechanic is Backwash which applies a DoT and does some damage on application. This DoT persists for a decent duration and Bubbles also puts out some area of denial effects so you may have to move during the DoT. It’s important to pre-position for the next Backwash so you don’t need to move too much to avoid the floating bubbles while you’re trying to heal.
With any tantrum-esque damage it’s important to keep your HoTs up and reapply your Chi Harmonies, even consider Enveloping Mist ramping for this mechanic depending on which CDs you have or don’t have available. You are coming directly out of Swampface into Bubbles so you may be a little light on CDs depending on how your boss fight went but our CDs are pretty short so something should come back by the second Backwash at most.
Darkfuse Jumpstarter
These mobs right before the final boss aren’t too scary by themselves but this two pack can get a bit intense. You should begin the pull by pre-casting Renewing Mist for HoTs and Chi Harmony, getting your Jadefire Stomp down, and extending your HoTs as quickly as possible. For the first set of missiles you can use Chi-ji and continue maintaining the HoTs. Then use Jade Empowerment, and you can spot heal with Vivify and Zen Pulse.
Ideally your group should be focusing one spider down at a time so you aren’t fighting two the entire pull. If this happens you may need to send Revival. Thankfully these mobs come after a boss that has basically no healing to do so you should have all of your CDs up and 2 stacks of Jade Empowerment.
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
Videos Coming Soon
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Captain Dailcry
This boss doesn’t have a ton going on, mostly just spothealing and focusing the player who gets targeted with the leap/stun.
Baron Braunpyke
This boss can be a bit chaotic and the damage feels random at times. Typically I like to send Chi-ji as my first CD to cover the spark popping and using Vivify with Zen Pulse procs towards the end of the DoT to save CDs for the next spark mechanic.
It’s important to track when the Avenger’s Shield will be coming out to ensure players are full HP since it hits quite hard, you may consider assigning defensives to the overlaps with the spark and shield.
Prioress Murrpray
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Trash Packs
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Improved Detox, Pressure Points
Videos Coming Soon
The Rookery
Nothing special on this boss, his hitbox is quite large so you can still hit him during the intermission, and it’s worth dropping a Transcendence so you can either escape melee circles or jump the beam if you run out of space.
Stormguard Gorren
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Voidstone Monstrosity
Positioning is the main mechanic on this fight as you’re dealing with pillar breaks as well as dispels and spot healing. This fight should be easy throughput wise but make sure you’re staying as central as possible so that it’s easier to heal and dispel your debuffed targets.
You may also Revival some sets of debuffs if you do not have Life Cocoon, your targets do not have defensives, or if you got behind on dispels.
Trash Packs
Coalescing Void Diffuser
The double Coalescing Void Diffuser pack is pretty rough. You don’t have a whole lot of time to prep for the Attracting Shadows cast which is the man form of damage as well as a pull-in. Pretty much on pull you’ll want to Enveloping Mist ramp and extend before casting Jade Empowerment, Chi-ji, Revival, or Sheilun’s Gift.
There should only be one cast of Attracting Shadows each but if not, hopefully your group is focusing down one mob at a time so that you don’t get two doubles. Whatever CDs you managed to save from the first set you can use for the second.
Diffuse Magic should be used first and Fortifying Brew should be used second, if you end up getting two casts.
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
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Theater of Pain
An Affront of Challengers
If you’re pulling the Raging Bloodhorn into this pack it’s important to coordinate who is soothing what when it comes to Dessia the Decapitator or the Bloodhorn but other than that there’s no heal checks here really.
On this fight you need to be aware of the leapers and if there’s any double jumpers. This can mostly be prevented by using Paralysis on one of them as they spawn and it should be dead or mostly dead within the Paralysis. You can use Paralysis on every other set, and you can use Ring of Peace to prevent double jumps on the entire group after the pull in by using Ring of Peace on the party.
Xav the Unfallen
Mistweaver pretty much lives this fight for free due to Dance of the Wind. You can help slower allies get out of mechanics by using Tiger’s Lust on them to reset their stacks of Oppressive Aura but most of the actual healing on this fight comes from maintenance and dpsing.
Not a ton of heal checks but you can use things like Ring of Peace, Leg Sweep, and Paralysis to help control the spawned spirits.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
The main point of damage here is tank damage but it is a one-shot if they’re not prepared so there isn’t a lot for us to do here. When Mordretha phases you can use Chi-ji for the shields as it is one instance of damage and then top people through maintenance. This fight is mostly positioning and Transcendence can be a lifesaver if you have it preplaced.
When you get your ad spawn you can kick it yourself which makes gathering much easier and reduces some of the damage intake.
Improved Detox, Pressure Points
Videos Coming Soon
Nothing stands out in here as being overly difficult healing wise but I will update it if anything comes up!