Utility and Tips

Mistweaver Monk has a ton of interactions between spells that aren’t always obvious! This page is for understanding the utility that Mistweaver brings and tips and tricks I have for Mistweaver that may help you do some cool stuff or make life easier in Mythic+. Some of these may utilize toys or consumables which means it isn’t unique to Mistweaver and anyone can use these!


One of my favorite abilities and one of the most versatile abilities in the game. Ring of Peace can be used as a single target or AoE stop, a kiting tool for your tank, a defensive to get mobs off of a party member, and a tool to help with skips or stop patrols. It can also be used as a way to split a pull up as some mobs aren't linked together and can be separated enough that they won’t proxy pull. If you have another Monk in the group, you can drop two Ring of Peace and bounce the mobs back and forth to help with tank damage as well as waiting for kicks to come back up.

Ring of Peace

Tiger’s Lust

Tiger’s Lust is a single target movement speed increase and a root/snare removal tool. Tiger’s Lust must be used after the debuff is applied to remove it.

Leg Sweep

Leg Sweep is a simple, uncapped AOE stun.

Revival or Restoral

Revival is a major healing cooldown but it is also a mass dispel for Disease, Poison, and Magic. Sometimes you may use it as both a dispel and a heal, or just a heal, or just a dispel depending on what the dungeon or encounter calls for.

If talented into Restoral, you no longer dispel Magic but you can use it while stunned. This rarely sees use in Mythic+ but it is an option if the situation ever arises!


Paralysis can be used as a soothe with Pressure Points talented, a single target stop, and a skipping tool either with or without Ring of Peace . This is typically going to be used for preventing casts for non-kickable spells or just preventing a cast if your kick isn’t available. Pressure Points will not trigger combat even when it soothes a mob, and it can also be used on bosses or lieutenant mobs since you don’t need to successfully control the mob for the soothe to work.

It's important to note that Paralysis is a soft CC (like Blind, Hunter Trap, and Polymorph) and will not prevent combat from triggering if you get too close (like Sap or Imprison), so make sure there is some space.

Diffuse Magic

In addition to this being a major defensive, Diffuse Magic is also a pseudo-spell reflect that can be used on certain bosses and trash packs to get a lot more damage out of our toolkit. The impact of the reflect interaction depends on the dungeon pool and it a spell-by-spell basis but in the past the diffusable debuffs have been very strong!


Transcendence is very helpful, typically I drop this in ranged and use it as an escape button for when things get a bit crazy mechanically or I have to stop and plant to cast a lot. Alternatively it can be used to reset bosses once the door is closed, it can be used to avoid damage from certain mechanics that have travel time or just general aid in uptime. Transcendence: Linked Spirits makes it easier to use if you’re off on a solo mission or planning on returning to the group while they are headed forward but you’re not with them. This ability is largely movement but can be extremely impactful in survivability or M+ strategies. 

How To: Short Tutorials

The How To: Shorts playlist on my YouTube channel is a collection of general Mythic+ tips and tricks. These are short tutorials focusing on things like skips, mechanics, or other tricks that can be used in specific dungeons. I try to gather things that are not specific to Mistweaver or Monk but since that is my focus, sometimes there are videos specific to Monk.

I started this series in Dragonflight and will be continuing it throughout The War Within and further expansions!

Ability Spotlights

The Mistweaver Ability Spotlight playlist on YouTube is a more in-depth look at some of our abilities and how to use them.

These shorts focus on underrepresented talents or abilities that have far more use than the tooltip would lead you to believe, or other creative ways to get value out of talents, abilities, or other passives.

Diffuse Magic

Diffuse Magic is a major defensive cooldown and as an additional dispel, but it can also be used as a pseudo-spell reflect. You must use Diffuse Magic after the DoT ability is on you in order to send it back to the enemy caster, so as long as you can live the initial hit you should be able to get some extra dps out of this.

The impact of Diffuse Magic’s damage is dependent on the dungeon pool since interactions are on a spell-by-spell basis. I keep track of the diffusable debuffs in this chart here and update it each season for the appropriate dungeon pool.

It’s important to note that Diffuse Magic will always dispel your magic debuff, but it will not always do damage.

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Tiger’s Lust

Tiger’s Lust is a movement ability but it also works as a root/slow dispel. Although the idea is the same, Tiger’s Lust does NOT work like Paladin’s Freedom, so in order to dispel you must use Tiger’s Lust on the target after their debuff is applied, otherwise it will not work. Occasionally Tiger’s Lust will remove a debuff entirely, even if there’s additional effects other than the slow. This is less common now but has been present many times throughout the history of Mythic+.

Chi-ji has anti-root and anti-snare properties so those interactions are likely to double dip, with Chi-jii having more similar interactions to Paladin’s Freedom.

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