Frequently Asked Questions
Mistweaver is a melee spec. We are targeted by melee mechanics, all of our utility, a majority of our damage is melee based, and much of our healing is tied to melee abilities. All playstyles involve a combination of casted spells and damaging abilities. I would never recommend purposefully only using half of your kit.
Typically you’ll have decent coverage of Renewing Mist while doing your damage rotation via Rapid Diffusion but you can also use Renewing Mist on priority targets to use Chi Harmony for the heal amp before high damage events, also good to use on-pull if you don’t need Chi Harmony for another specific mechanic. If it is a rot fight you’ll want to be constantly reapplying your Renewing Mists for Chi Harmony coverage, Zen Pulse procs, and Vivify cleave healing.
There isn’t a real answer I can give here because it is entirely situational. Purely for damage it’s somewhere in the 12+ mob range, but for healing, I wouldn’t recommend using only Spinning Crane Kick on any number of mobs. You’d be much better off maintaining your Renewing Mist HoTs or using a CD like Sheilun’s Gift or Chi-ji and using the Blackout Kick/Tiger Palm rotation. I very rarely use Spinning Crane Kick anymore, especially when using Master of Harmony.
You can still run Soothing Mist, Elusive Mist, Peer Into Peace, or any other SooM based talent you find yourself wanting to. I run it by default with Elusive Mists for need to surviving one-shot mechanics
If you really don’t want to think about Thunder Focus Tea at all or an additional button then you can take Dance of Chi-ji for additional damage. If you don’t mind planning your Thunder Focus Tea out a bit, then I find Jade Empowerment to be better as it can be planned around for damage or for healing depending on the situation. If you’re playing Master of Harmony I do recommend Jade Empowerment since you won’t be casting Spinning Crane Kick with that hero talent.
Conduit of the Celestials is safer for most players, it gives an additional healing CD plus procs that help with survivability, however, higher rated players will be running Master of Harmony for both the damage and because Conduit of the Celestials will no longer be strong enough to heal through mechanics.
Usually it’s used for Enveloping Mist, Expel Harm, or Rising Sun Kick depending on the situation. Enveloping Mist is for an instant cast + an extra heal while moving, Expel Harm for the self shield for defensiveness, and Rising Sun Kick for a shortened cooldown on the ability for extra damage and HoT extension.
It honestly matters very little. I tend to go to 4 just for a slightly burstier heal from Ancient Teachings, but you may also use at 2 if you prefer the feel of one Tiger Palm to one Blackout Kick. Whether you prefer 2 or 4, you’ll end up with roughly the same amount of hits and resets on Rising Sun Kick over the encounter/dungeon. During Chi-ji it depends on the type of damage going out.
I don’t currently offer coaching but I will do VoD and/or Log Reviews which you can submit through the form on the Home Page.
Whether you’re playing in a static group or pugging all of the time, your talents and playstyle are not impacted significantly enough to swap builds.
At the moment this talent isn’t taken in keys. For m+, it’s unlikely we will ever run RWK due to the fact that it’s a choice node with Jadefire Teachings which is too impactful to drop. You can get away with it in lower keys for damage, but for keys with healing requirements we’ll still run Jadefire Teachings.
A mostly complete list of Monk/Mistweaver acronyms can be found here