Talents and Hero Talents

Below are my recommended talent builds for Mythic+. They all utilize the Jadefire Stomp nodes as well as Sheilun's Gift, Jadefire Teachings, and Chi-ji, the Red Crane with Gift of the Celestials. There could be situations that arise where you would stray from these key talents but it’s extremely uncommon and generally not recommended.

Talent Imports

Conduit of the Celestials

(for beginners)

Master of Harmony


Both builds play extremely similar to each other, the main playstyle changes are between the hero talents themselves.

As usual, points may shift around based on your own comfort but these are what I would recommend. Talents also may shift depending on the key you're doing and what different utilities you need.

The Conduit of the Celestials hero talent is what I recommend for beginner players. It provides some additional throughput as well as works as it own healing cooldown.

This tends to be the safer option which is why I recommend it for new players but it falls off as you get into higher keys since the throughput can no longer heal through mechanics by itself.

Conduit of the Celestials

  • Temple Training is a simple 6% healing increase to Enveloping Mist and Vivify.

    You could take Xuen’s Guidance if you don’t need the extra healing and want a bit more damage, but don’t want to fully commit to Master of Harmony

  • Restore Balance is the only choice here for Mythic+ since we do not talent into Refreshing Jade Wind in the spec tree.

    This will give us a bit more healing during our Celestial.

  • This node is personal preference.

    Jade Sanctuary is taken when you want to start about using Conduit of the Celestials as a defensive cooldown as well as a healing cooldown.

    Niuzao’s Protection is another option if you want to make your Fortifying Brew a bit stronger, but I tend to prefer Jade Sanctuary.

  • August Dynasty is an alternating healing or damage increase on some very commonly used abilities.

    Inner Compass is another option but since we do run the Jadefire Stomp nodes, August Dynasty wins out.

Gameplay Changes

When playing Conduit of the Celestials there aren’t too many actual changes to our rotation. With Strength of the Black Ox you will be using Enveloping Mist to apply shields to your party and these are usually used whenever they proc or if you know there’s going to be damage incoming. Everything else is passive or not worth trying to minmax.

As you’ll see in the rotation page, you will also use Spinning Crane Kick for damage more as Conduit of the Celestials than Master of Harmony.

Master of Harmony is going to do far more damage and different forms of healing compared to Conduit of the Celestials. Instead of healing through Celestial Conduit, you’re using the heal amp from Coalescence to boost your healing which scales better into higher content.

This hero talent is the better option if you’re comfortable with Monk and our kit.

Master of Harmony

  • Harmonic Gambit is the node that is going to allow damage to come from Aspect of Harmony so this is a permanent choice.

  • Roar from the Heavens works well for moving the group quickly for things like invisibility skips or shrouds, or just general movement throughout the dungeon.

    Tiger’s Vigor is a personal option.

  • Mantra of Tenacity allows you to stagger some damage but you’ll end up getting more value out of Mantra of Purity due to the amount of self casting required in Mythic+.

  • Way of a Thousand Strikes is going to give some passive Vitality gain while doing your normal damage rotation and provides more value overall than Path of Resurgence.

Gameplay Changes

Master of Harmony has more gameplay changes and is far more complex than Conduit of the Celestials. You gain more buffs and debuffs to track, in addition to a new resource called Vitality. I highly recommend checking out this written guide for the advanced version of Master of Harmony gameplay from Swirl:

What is Master of Harmony and How Do I Use It?

When playing Master of Harmony we have some new things to track:

1. Vitality as a resource is something you'll want to track so you know when to use your Thunder Focus Tea. This cap is equal to our maximum health but is effected by things like Ancient Teachings and Fortifying Brew so it's important to track. I track it through a WeakAura which you can find on the UI page.

2. Aspect of Harmony which is the DoT applied to enemies via Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm , and Blackout Kick during Vitality drain.

3. Aspect of Harmony which is the HoT and heal amp applied to allies via direct heaing during Vitality drain.
Master of Harmony is capable of higher HPS for Mythic+ through Coalescence when we use our Vitality for healing. This is buffing our base Mistweaver kit instead of giving us a new cooldown like Conduit of the Celestials does.

Typically most large mechanics are covered with Enveloping Mist ramps and Aspect of Harmony with some kind of cooldown depending on which mechanic we’re covering. These Aspect of Harmony uses are on about a 30 second CD due to the buildup time of Vitality as well as the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea . Of course you can also use Aspect of Harmony for the debuff as well, but that is solely for damage.

Below is a flow chart/cheat sheet for how to utilize our Vitality.

Class Tree

Our class tree is mostly utility so it has a lot of variance. The most frequently swapped nodes are: Soothing Mist, Elusive Mists , Pressure Points, and Improved Detox.

Soothing Mist and Elusive Mists are options if you’re dealing with heavy single target healing or you or an ally need the damage reduction to survive a one-shot.

Pressure Points is our soothe and only needs to be taken in dungeons that have Enrage effects, otherwise the point can go somewhere else.

For Improved Detox, there are only a handful of Disease and Poison debuffs in the dungeons so if they are not present, the point can go elsewhere.

The rest of the tree has a good mix of damage, survivability, and throughput. Niche situations could arise where you’d want to take a talent not mentioned here like Transcendence: Linked Spirits but this is dependent on your group composition, your route, and the dungeon and is up to you to get creative based on your groups needs.

Spec Tree

Our spec tree varies very little, but there are a few points that tend to change per player: Secret Infusion, Pool of Mists, Peer Into Peace, and Jade Empowerment.

Secret Infusion can be taken to survive one-shot mechanics in higher keys.

Pool of Mists is useful for blanketing your group with Chi Harmony if dealing with short, bursty instances of damage or it can be used as a tool against rot with persistent reapplication.

Peer Into Peace is a popular choice for some players but you need to be careful about it's use. If you're overusing Peer Into Peace then you'll end up losing your HoTs which is detrimental to healing and mana. Typically it's just used to apply Enveloping Mist to 2-3 targets for the Enveloping Mist ramp.

Jade Empowerment and Dance of Chi-ji are a choice node. Jade Empowerment functions as a mini cooldown and is quite potent for healing and for damage. If you don’t want to add another button to your bars, Dance of Chi-ji will still be a decent damage increase but is unpredictable and not as powerful.