User Interface

This is where you will find everything I use in my UI. Addons, WeakAuras, and profiles will all be available to import here. This will also include any macros and non-combat Addons.

If you would like to import my entire UI, you can download the App and find my import here. The app also functions as an addon manager and allows you to find the most up-to-date version of the WeakAuras you use.



This is a pack I created that includes WeakAuras for Mistweaver and Windwalker. The Mistweaver pack includes:

  • General Bars

    • Innervate

    • Spatial Paradox

    • All Lusts + Drums

  • Master of Harmony Vitality Tracker (from Swirl)

  • Dance of the Wind Tracker

  • Conduit of the Celestials procs

  • Dance of Chi-ji Procs

  • Detox, Renewing Mist, Vivify, and Sheilun’s Gift Tracker

  • Mistweaver Bars

  • Center Auras


This group includes:

  • Raid Ability Timeline

  • Death Strike Tracker

  • Weekly M+ Tracker

  • Battle Res & Bloodlust Timers

  • Reloe’s Mythic+ Timer



Elvui is my main UI addon, this impacts action bars, minimap, texts/font, and general interface windows.


I use Plater for my nameplates with a custom profile.


Currently I use Vuhdo for my unitframes but I may be switching to Cell soon.

Bigwigs + Littlewigs

I use these specifically with the Raid Ability Timeline WeakAura that turns them into a vertical timeline with moving icons as a replacement for the timers.

Details Damage Meter

I use Details! Damage Meter for keeping track of dps, hps, deaths, and various other events while I’m playing


Wheel menu for quick access to mounts, toys, and anything else you want. I use one ring for things I use in Mythic+ (toys, mounts, auto hammer, inky/stinky pots) and one ring for travel (portals and other transportation spells)


This is my action tracker so that viewers can more easily see what abilities I’m using.


A non-combat addon that keeps track of literally all of the things you can collect or complete in-game. I use this during the slow content periods in old zones or dungeons and raids.


This is what I use for my bags and my bank. My favorite part of this addon is the custom categories so I can easily sort things I want quick access to, or to avoid clutter from holiday items.


This helps keep track of weekly and daily lockouts on multiple characters, you can also see currencies on alts and what Mythic Keystone your characters have.


Floating Combat Text

/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1

/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1

/console WorldTextScale 0.5

Generic Mouseover

#showtooltip Spellname

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Spellname

Spinning Crane Kick Stopcast

/cast !spinning crane kick

Vuhdo Ping System Macro

/ping [@mouseover,harm] Warning; [@mouseover,help] Ping; [@mouseover,exists] Ping

/stopmacro [@mouseover,exists]



I play with a gamepad (Razer Tartarus Pro) and a 12-button MMO mouse (Corsair Scimitar) so my binds look a little silly but here’s a picture of how it’s all laid out. Anything not listed is bound into my frames in-game: